A hilarious picture book about an old man and his colour-changing pet that’ll have kids laughing and shouting ‘COME OUT, COME OUT, CHAMELEON!’
I have a pet chameleon. The only thing is... I’ve never actually seen him.
A charming old man is searching everywhere for his pet chameleon. His dog tries to help... but the man just can’t see his colourful pet! The clever chameleon camouflages himself as a flower, a banana, a sock, and much more. When the man finds some pet care instructions stuck to the bottom of his slippers, he realizes that all he needs to do is shout ‘COME OUT, COME OUT, CHAMELEON!’ to make the chameleon appear... but the visual twist on the final spread will have children squealing and laughing out loud.
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Features of the Come Out Come Out Chameleon!: